

宇佐美雅浩、山本昌男、RongRong&Inri がグループ展に参加しています@Mizuma Gallery, Singapore

10 September - 9 October 2016

USAMI Masahiro, YAMAMOTO Masao, RongRong&Inri are participating in a group exhibition “Why are we doing what we are doing?” at Mizuma Gallery, Singapore until 9th October.


Title: Why are we doing what we are doing?

Date: 10 September - 9 October 2016

Venue: Mizuma Gallery, Singapore (22 Lock Road #01-34 Gillman Barracks Singapore 108939)

Hour: TUE-SAT 11AM-7PM / SUN 11am-6pm (closed on Monday)

Artists: Agan Harahap (ID), Angki Purbandono (ID), Iswanto Soerjanto (ID), RongRong & Inri (JP/CN), Usami Masahiro (JP), Yamamoto Masao (JP) and Robert Zhao (SG)

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